Who Is Audrey Lokelani Fualaau? Daughter Of Vili Fualaau

by Mela Sun Sep 10 2023 Updated On Sun Sep 10 2023
Who Is Audrey Lokelani Fualaau? Daughter Of Vili Fualaau

Audrey Lokelani Fualaau is the daughter of the late Mary Kay Letourneau. 

Her father's name is Vili Fualaau. Mary Kay was an American convicted sex offender. She died on July 6, 2020, at the age of 58.

The cause of her death was cancer.

Parents of Audrey Lokelani Fualaau.
Parents of Audrey Lokelani Fualaau. Source: Pinterest

Audrey's Sister Georgia Is Pregnant

Georgia Fualaau is one of the daughters of Vili Fualaau and Mary Kay Letourneau. She is pregnant with a baby boy. 

She is excited about becoming a mother and believes her late mother, Mary, would have been happy to become a grandmother. 

Georgia talked about how her mother taught her to be a good parent even though she was strict. 

Her pregnancy has been going well, with no morning sickness. Her family, including her father, Vili, and sister, Audrey, is very supportive. 

Her boyfriend, the baby’s father, has been with her for over six years, and they have considered marriage. 

Although Georgia initially wanted a girl, she feels blessed to have a boy since there aren’t many boys in their family. 

Audrey has shared beautiful pictures of Georgia's gender reveal day on her Instagram.

Audrey with her sister.
Audrey with her sister. Source: Instagram

Mother's Political Background

Mary was born in California in 1962 to a family with political connections. 

Her father was a politician who held various positions in government, and her family was raised in a strict Catholic environment. 

She went to Catholic school and later attended a university. 

However, her father’s political career faced a scandal when it was revealed he had an extramarital affair.

This caused her parents to separate temporarily, but they returned together later. 

Mary’s family had several members involved in politics, including her brother, who worked for presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump.


Audrey was born on May 23, 1997. She is 26 years old as of 2023.

Net Worth

Her father, Vili Fualaau's net worth is about $335,000.

Audrey's Mother Was Sentenced To Jail

Mary was a teacher who had a controversial relationship with Vili Fualaai when he was a student. 

He was just 13 years old when Mary was accused of raping him. She went to prison for child rape. 

She gave birth to a Vili's child when she was sentenced to jail. 

She was sentenced to seven and half years in prison, but she reached a plea agreement calling for six months in jail and no contact with Vili forever. 

But later, when she was free from prison, she was caught with Vili in a car. 

And she was again sentenced to seven and a half years. But she was pregnant with Vili's child again eight months after returning from prison. 

She was imprisoned from 1998 to 2004. After Mary Kay was released from prison, Vili and Mary married in May 2005 and were married for 14 years

Mary's Final Moment

When Mary Kay got cancer and was in the hospital, they discovered it had spread to her spine and brain. 

She knew she would die at that point, which was hard for everyone. 

During this time, Vili, her former husband, realized that she had been his best friend, and he felt she was the only one who truly cared about him. 

He also thought about the time they had spent together when they first met, and he knew there wouldn’t be any more letters, phone calls, or texts from her. 

This was very tough for him to accept. As Mary Kay’s health worsened, Vili stayed with her, watching to ensure she was still breathing. 

Sometimes, her breathing would stop momentarily, but it would start again. 

On July 6, both of their daughters visited her in the hospital. 

They talked about their childhood and laughed together. But Vili noticed Mary Kay wasn’t breathing, and he knew she had passed away. 

He called the rest of the family to come and say their last goodbyes to her.

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